Cicleta App Privacy Policy for Android Apps

The app Cicleta emerges as an experiment. The main objective is to allow users to quickly check in a list as well as in a map the number of available bicycles and free spaces in the nearest Bicimadrid stations.

This is the privacy policy for the Cicleta application. For the purposes of this privacy policy, both the website and application shall be referred to as the "App".

By using the App, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of information in accordance with this privacy policy.

We reserve the right to change this privacy policy from time to time by changing it on the App. By using the App, you agree to be bound by the version of the privacy policy displayed when you use the App. This privacy policy was last updated on 12 February 2017.

Information we may use/collect from you

Identify your device by accessing with your username in the device accounts in order to build a secure connection with our Cicleta API vía HTTPS.

Tracking information as searches and anonymous favourites events. Never this data are associated with an user. We use Google Analytics and Fabric Answers.

Identify issues with the operation of the App, and provide crash reports in order to find resolution for performance issues. We are using Crashlytics. You can check their privacy policy if you want more info.

Information that we are not collecting. NEVER:

Your location. We only use this info in order to sort your the nearest station. This information is local into your device. We never send this info to our server.

Your favorites  are local storage into your phone. You can remove them in your app setting preference,

Contacting us

Please submit any questions, concerns or comments you have about this privacy and cookies policy or any requests concerning your personal data by email to